Roq La Rue 10th Anniversary
July 01, 2008
Roq La Rue is turning ten this year and as part of the celebration Kirsten Anderson, owner and curator, is holding a giant group show. It's promising to be quite the line up with a number of big name artists offering up pieces for inclusion. Needless to say I'm quite excited as I will also be part of the celebration and show. I'll not only have one of my own paintings hanging along side the greats but I'll also be attending the opening. The opening, on Friday, July 11th from 6pm-9pm, is free to attend and open to the public so if you're in the area and want to see a bunch of kick ass art... and me, stop on by.
Roq La Rue
2312 2nd Ave
Seattle, WA 98121
Roq La Rue 10th Anniversary Opening: Friday, July 11th from 6pm-9pm
Be there!